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  • 20 Jun 2024 1:25 PM | Valerie Gordon (Administrator)

    The second Youth in Evaluation week 2024 will be held from 8 to 12 July 2024, building on the success of the first Youth in Evaluation week

    Aligned with the UN Summit of the Future 2024, this gathering of the global evaluation community will amplify dialogue on intergenerational solidarity for transformative evaluation and build momentum for enhancing meaningful youth engagement in evaluation.

    The overarching theme for Youth in Evaluation week 2024 is ‘Upholding Youth in Evaluation standards’.

    The events at the week will explore six dimensions of the standards - leadership and accountability, practice, advocacy and capacity building, knowledge management and communication, human resources and financial resources - for advancing intergenerational partnerships in evaluation.

    On July 12 at 2:00pm GMT-5, the Caribbean Evaluators International YEEs and FEEVAL+SDGs training school for YEEs in the English-speaking Caribbean will be hosting the roundtable discussion, 

    "Island Insights: Calling All Evaluators and the Evalu-curious in the Caribbean. What does the Future hold for the field?"

    Register at https://www.caribeval.org/event-5775396 to join this event.

  • 2 Jun 2024 6:43 PM | Valerie Gordon (Administrator)

    Get ready for an incredible week of learning and innovation!

    gLOCAL Evaluation Week is back, running  from Monday, June 3rd to Friday, June 7th, under the inspiring theme: "Evaluation and Transformational Change: Balancing Ambition and Realism."

    This year is extra special as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the CEI's founding!

    To mark this milestone, we’re hosting three unmissable events:

    Tuesday, June 4 12:00pm (GMT-5) :The Road to Adoption and Implementation of the Results Based Management Approach- the CARICOM experience   

    Thursday, June 6 12:30 (GMT-5)The Role of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning in Non-Governmental Organisations in Latin America and the Caribbean       

    Friday, June 7, 12:30pm (GMT-5):The Relevance of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) to driving transformation through local financing initiatives for development

    Join us for a week filled with insightful discussions, groundbreaking ideas, and opportunities to network with leaders and innovators in the field of evaluation. Don't miss out on this exciting chance to be part of the transformation!

  • 24 May 2023 1:15 AM | Valerie Gordon (Administrator)

    gLOCAL Evaluation Week powered by GEI is a unique knowledge-sharing event, connecting a global community of people across sectors and regions. Over the course of a week, participants from all over the world join events - in their neighbourhood or across the ocean - to learn from each other on a vast number of topics and themes. Allowing participants insight into how their work fits in with regional monitoring and evaluation (M&E) ecosystems and the larger international M&E community, gLOCAL helps to inspire and energize a global movement - individuals and organizations who value the power of evidence to improve people’s lives

    To make the most out of this knowledge-sharing space, and in consonance with the growing effort to advance Monitoring and Evaluation practices and culture in the Caribbean, a series of events are being co-organized by the CARICOM Secretariat, Caribbean Evaluators International (CEI) and UWI SALISES, with the participation of the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI), with the purpose of gathering stakeholders to continue discussing relevant topics that will help advance in fostering an enabling environment in the region for sharing, recognizing, designing, and implementing MEAL practices.

    The events will be featured in the space in the next few days. See also https://www.globalevaluationinitiative.org/glocal/about

  • 24 May 2023 12:29 AM | Valerie Gordon (Administrator)

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